Nonprofits (51)
ProsperityME is a non-profit service organization dedicated to helping Maine’s immigrants and refugees build successful, rewarding lives in their new homeland.
Portland , Maine
Action For Life is a non profit organization educating immigrants to empower themselves, to become self-reliant, and overcome all the many challenges that they face when they move to Maine.
Lewiston , Maine
Her Safety Net is a community-based organization that was founded in 2021 to provide advocacy for women of all ages, including immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) communities. While…
Coded by Young Women of Color is a non-profit that educates, empowers, and engages young Women of Color in Computer Science and emerging tech.
Coded by Young Women of Color logo
Sustainable Livelihoods Relief Organization aims to develop the capacity of New Mainers to become productive members of society and integrate successfully into the labor market as both employees and business owners in order to raise…
Portland , Maine
The Hekima Foundationâs mission is to help empower African immigrants to pursue a high quality education with financial assistance as well as mentorship.  The Hekima Fellowship program, created by our team, is a rigorous 4…
Hekima fellowship mentorship and volunteering
Their objective is to promote and teach human rights in our community school and company's. Provide temporary shelter to people in need clean house for people with disability and for veterans in needs. Support those…
We are a Immigrant Organization and our goal is to promote and advance the interests of the South Sudanese people in all aspects of life and work in Maine. Our Direct Service/Basic Needs - General…
The Mission of The Harriet Tubman Movement Coalition is faith in action. We are a Maine-based coalition charged with clearing sustainable pathways to support leadership, personal growth, and healing soul wounds. Soul wounds are the…
Lewiston , Maine
Addiction not only affects you but your whole family, We aim to give a path for generational healing by breaking cycles and forging a path for future generations.
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