Nonprofits (51)
Main Access Immigrant Network (MAIN) bridges access to health and social services for immigrants and refugees in Portland Maine. Our organization works to build a stronger multicultural community in Portland, and to address refugee health…
Main Access Immigrant Network logo
Saco, Maine
TGK Athletics has a proven track record of success in skill development as we have athletes who have competed at all levels, whether it be learning the basics to playing in the professional ranks. We…
Portland, Maine
The Alpha Legal Foundation is a non-profit organization working to diversify Maine's legal profession. Our work is built on three pillars. We reach out. We create community by convening current BIPOC lawyers and law school…
Alpha legal foundation Logo
They're a non profit organization that provides financial, social and vocational support to people of south Sudan . Their mission is to partner with grassroots initiatives to empower the people of South Sudan through sustainable,…
The Abyssinian Meeting House has a rich history and strong connection to the African community in Maine. Founded in 1828, it is the oldest meeting house in Maine and the third oldest African American Meeting…
Abyssinian Meeting House Logo
Public Health agency that support New Mainers about healthy living and teaching through Health Literacy for Women, Men, and Adolecent Health.
Cross Cultural Community Services is an organization owned and operated by three women of color, with three lifetimes of personal and professional experience in the field of cultural equity and community building. We are dedicated…
The Mission of The Harriet Tubman Movement Coalition is faith in action. We are a Maine-based coalition charged with clearing sustainable pathways to support leadership, personal growth, and healing soul wounds. Soul wounds are the…
Lewiston , Maine
Her Safety Net is a community-based organization that was founded in 2021 to provide advocacy for women of all ages, including immigrants, refugees, asylum seekers and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) communities. While…
GCSM is a non-profit organization created to support the wellbeing of immigrants and refugees. It was founded in order to help improve the mental health status of people in Maine. GCSM offers support
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