Apparel & Accessories (23)
Lewiston , Maine
Al- Fatah Variety Store is a Clothing store, grocery and Convenience Stores located at 260 Lisbon Street, Lewiston, Maine .
South Portland, Maine
Trapdoor Sneakers operates in South Portland, Maine. This business is focused in buying,selling, and trading sneakers. They sell many different types of sneakers so there is something for everyone! The prices of the shoes vary…
Logo of trapdoor sneakers
"Naturally dyed rambouillet and alpaca/rambouillet wool blend yarns from our farm and other regional small farms. We also carry other wool yarns depending upon what we come across in our search,
Lana Plantae Alpaca and Sheep Farm business logo
An online women's fashion boutique that also offers specialty services including styling and closet consultations. Now booking for pop up locations.
A clothing design company that will motivate you to be your best self. Shirts feature motivational quotes on the back that will inspire everyone. Contact to purchase individually or wholesale.
upstylish the new style business logo
Portland, Maine
Madison Poitrast-Upton is a fashion and textiles artists who studied at Maine College of Art. She's familiar with the unemphatic and sexist approach toward costume design.
Loquat business logo
Biddeford, Maine
Budget friendly shop offering New York style clothing, jewelry, and grills.
Stylz 4 Less store front at Jefferson Street Biddeford
South Portland, Maine
Akakapo and Co is a Jewelry company Run by Ebenezer Akakpo, a Ghanaian-American musician/artist. Using the importance of symbols and the themes they carry.
Akakpo business logo
Rachel Gloria Adams runs TACHEE which is a children's clothing and home goods company. The name came along after Rachel believed it was her name as a toddler. Today this business operates by selling limited…
Logo of Tachee
MaineLyfe is organic, definitive, fashionable and all about Maine. This is inclusive apparel that highlights the lifestyle of a Mainer by displaying the states trademark(s). MaineLyfe foundation is built off diversity, great quality, and most…
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