Restaurants (25)
Portland, Maine
Foodie Friends Grocery Restaurant is an authentic Middle Eastern market and halal store located in Portland, ME. They offer a wide variety of products and foods from different countries, including spices, fresh meats, desserts, perfumes,…
Image of Foodie Friends Grocery & Restaurant logo in black and red | Black Owned Maine Portland African Grocery Store
Our restaurant offers a unique culinary journey with dishes prepared by a chef born and raised in Jamaica. Discover flavorful, traditional Jamaican food right here in Central Maine! Experience the authentic taste of Jamaica at…
Image of Strait Jamaican Cuisine logo in green, yellow, and red on a black background | Black Owned Maine Portland African Restaurant
Mars Hill, Maine
American restaurant, barbecue restaurant, and grill.Timberwolves' main focus is quality food. The ingredients are locally sourced as much as possible, supporting Maine farmers and small business.
Oga Suya brings authentic Nigerian food to Maine. We specialize in Suya, otherwise known as Nigerian BBQ. Our menu consists of Nigerian favorites such as jollof rice, puff puff, dodo, Chicken Suya, Beef Suya, Veggie…
Chicken wing's suya from oga suya
Ellsworth, Maine
Taste Jamaica offers many amazingly delicious drinks and dishes! This restaurants menu contains a Jamaican-styled variety and is every meat-lovers dream. The main meals include jerk chicken, jerk pork
South Portland, Maine
The River Nile Restaurant is run by Hellen Pickson who grew up in the continent of Africa where she enjoyed cooking and used it as her gateway out of the reality of her war-torn country.
East Africa food from river Nile restaurant
Me Lon Togo is a bistro in Searsport, ME known for their West African and European Cuisine.
Me Lon Togo logo
Saco, Maine
A Jamaican BBQ Pit
Go See Tyce logo
South Paris, Maine
Kool Runnins is a new Jamaican restaurant located at 130 Main Street, South Paris, Maine. The restaurant, which is run by Walton Wray, offers a variety of authentic Jamaican dishes with a focus on healthy,…
Image of Kool Runnins logo - a circle with gradient coloring from pink to yellow with a yellow food truck in front of two palm trees and on grass with lettering below in yellow and green | Black Owned Maine Portland African Restaurant
Lewiston , Maine
ZFD is a dining service catered to everyone. We want to make your food dreams come to life, with the utmost beautiful experience. We provide services such as Private Dinners, Catering, and Solo Eats.
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