Nonprofits (51)
South Portland, Maine
The Maine Youth Action Network (MYAN) supports youth & adult allies — with training, networking & leadership opportunities — for positive change.
Maine youth action network Logo
Lewiston , Maine
Masjid Salaam is a non-profit non political and religious organization that serves residents of Lewiston and Auburn Maine. Located at 240 Bartlett St the mosque has been in services for decades binding communities together. Community…
Westbrook, Maine
Created by and for women from a minority community in Maine. In Her Presence strives to bring together immigrant women from across communities and generations to ensure that Maine’s economic agenda
In Her Presence logo
Portland, Maine
Nonprofit education and cultural organization chartered in the state of Maine.WJZP 107.9FM is a non profit commercial free radio
WJZP 107.9 FM
Portland , Maine
FOUR CARDINAL POINTS is a humanitarian relief and development organization that works with vulnerable communities to alleviate poverty suffering and injustice.
ProsperityME is a non-profit service organization dedicated to helping Maine’s immigrants and refugees build successful, rewarding lives in their new homeland.
MCFSS - Multicultural Community and Family Support Services is a unique non-profit community organization. The goal of our organization is to help as many individuals as we can so that they, too, can live better…
The Greater Portland Immigrant Welcome Center serves as a hub of collaboration that strengthens the immigrant community through language acquisition, economic integration and civic engagement. We do this through four main programs: a co-working hub…
Greater Portland Immigrant Welcome Center Logo
Maine Community Integration is committed to integrating New Mainers into their communities while respecting and uplifting their diverse cultures, identities, and traditions. We serve the interests of both immigrant and local communities by bridging gaps…
Lewiston , Maine
Addiction not only affects you but your whole family, We aim to give a path for generational healing by breaking cycles and forging a path for future generations.
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