Here at Djiboutian American Community Empowerment Project (DACEP), we see the value in everyone. We want to be a catalyst for positive change, and since our beginnings in 2019, we’ve been driven by the same…
Lewiston, Maine
"Marham Store, was found on November 28, 2017. Our mission is to market and deliver quality foods at affordable prices to our neighborhood."
Grocery & Convenience Stores
Portland, Maine
S&N Kleaning Services strive to provide good quality service to achieve what our customers desire thus to exceed their expectations. Our services include standard,deep,move in/out ,spring cleaning
Home & Commercial
Online Business
Samara Cole Doyon is an children's book author, poet, speaker, and facilitator whose work focuses on celebrating the full humanity of Black and brown individuals, families, and communities.
Bookstores, Education, Media & Podcasts
Thorndike , Maine
My office is in Waldo County, Maine but can work with business owners all across the country. Merchant Services has been my passion for a long time and it truly brings me joy to work…
Business + Consulting, Finance
Biddeford, Maine
SILK is an esthetics salon providing skincare services for all skin types & ethnicities. Offering facials, sugaring & brow grooming services by appointment only in the Pepperell Mill in Biddeford. The salon offers a laid…
Beauty and Barber Shops
Portland , Maine
Afro Hip Hop Dance is a dance studio, it is also a dance class inclusive for all ages ,all levels,all dancers every Friday. It is owned by Ab Kyra Mukansabga Pourllefuun .
Art & Music
ABC Driving School offers classes in Arabic, Somali & English for all ages. prepartion for road driving lessons.
Auto Services & Repairs
Saco, Maine
A Jamaican BBQ Pit
"The Rwanda Community Association of Maine provides integration guidance and support to Rwandan immigrants in Maine." President, Antoine Bikamba
Cultural Organizations, Nonprofits
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