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Somali restaurant located in Downtown Lewiston
Public Health agency that support New Mainers about healthy living and teaching through Health Literacy for Women, Men, and Adolecent Health.
Cultural Organizations, Nonprofits
Online Business
Kellie Nichole Wellness provides busy women in-person or virtual support and guidance to create a healthy, balanced, lifestyle. Clients can get support for diet, exercise, sleep hygiene and other wellness related habits. Group and corporate…
Business + Consulting, Holistic Wellness, Sports & Fitness
Full service landscape company. Handling all your yard work needs. Including but not limited to, mowing, weed waking, trimming, cleanups & grounds work. We are Willing to take on all projects.
Home & Commercial
We are a Immigrant Organization and our goal is to promote and advance the interests of the South Sudanese people in all aspects of life and work in Maine. Our Direct Service/Basic Needs - General…
Cultural Organizations, Nonprofits
Westbrook , Maine
FKL Cleaning Service and Sells LLC provides Commercial/Residential Cleaning Services in Westbrook, Portland,South Portland Gorham, Scarborough, Saco, Biddeford, Yarmouth, Cumberland, and Surrounding areas. We pride ourselves on providing professional customer care. Making our customers happy…
Home & Commercial
ILLiJah is an artist based in Maine. ILLiJah, is an American R&B/Pop singer, from Brunswick,Maine. He got his stage name from friends when he was 16 years old because of his singing style. His friends…
Art & Music
Portland , Maine
TEAC.H 2 M.O.V.E. is built to Social Emotionally Equip COACHES & ATHLETES -Motivate with Mentor Group Discussion -Overcoming on & off field -Visualization Exercises -Empower athletes
Portland, Maine
TEoC is a non-profit organization, founded in 2015 by René Goddess Johnson, Nicole Antonette Chioma Mokeme, and Christina W. Richardson, as a small, 8-member theater company filling a cultural niche in Portland, Maine. TEoC has…
Camden, Maine
The Blackberry Inn is an 11-room Italianate Victorian style bed and breakfast located in the heart of Camden, Maine.
Travel & Lodging
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