Portland, Maine
"I would love to marry you! I provide couples with customized ceremonies & vows. Whether we start with something from my collection or write vows from scratch, your wedding is going to be a glorious…
Weddings & Events
Lewiston , Maine
At A.C.M. our mission revolves around raising the standard of living and the peaceful nature of the Angolan people who have chosen Maine to be their home. Our Vision Statement: To live in Maine with…
Cultural Organizations
Lewiston, Maine
The detailing service that comes to you! Black Diamond Detailing is your premiere option for efficient, convenient auto detailing without the hassle of dropping your car off and waiting for hours. The team is based…
Auto Services & Repairs
Damariscotta, Maine
"When you hire me to shoot your most important moments- whether we're at one of Maine's many amazing scenic location, at your wedding venue, or on location at your corporate or marketing event-
Art & Music
Lewiston , Maine
Al-Qudus Store is a grocery store located at 230 Lisbon St in Lewiston, Maine. They sell canned foods, and they have a good selection of delicious imported candies. they also specialize in many brands of…
Grocery & Convenience Stores
Lewiston, Maine
The mission of Liberation Farms, the Community Farming Program, is to provide new American farmers access to, and culturally-appropriate resources for, the means of sustainable food production.
Falmouth, Maine
Participates in the Portland and Fresh Start Farm Farmers Markets
Portland, Maine
N'dala African Market is located in Portland, Maine and carries many things. Here they offer a plethora of African traditional foods such as dried fish, smoked fish, frozen vegetables, and much more. Their options for…
Grocery & Convenience Stores
Lewiston, Maine
A coop farm operated by four Somali Bantu farmers. They sell their vegetables by way of a seasonal CSA, wholesale, and farmers markets.
Kittery Point, Maine
We have two restaurants, a store, and an event space all in the same location.
Restaurants, Weddings & Events
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