Discover the challenges, warmth, and eventual migration to Lewiston, where the Somali community found safety and new possibilities in the face of limited resources.
Cultural Organizations, Nonprofits
ILLiJah is an artist based in Maine. ILLiJah, is an American R&B/Pop singer, from Brunswick,Maine. He got his stage name from friends when he was 16 years old because of his singing style. His friends…
Art & Music
Portland, Maine
DJ RRUG EVENTS.LLC is an event management company involved into hosting musicians, performers, Deejay services such as wedding DJ , Private events , Birthdays, Silent disco, day time festivals e.t.c
Art & Music
Gray, Maine
Community based events that center around food security and education through farming, vegetables, and producing. Weekly "Come on up to the Farm" series include Pizza nights at the farm every Saturday and a fantastic Farm…
Lewiston , Maine
Addiction not only affects you but your whole family, We aim to give a path for generational healing by breaking cycles and forging a path for future generations.
Online Business
Online adult toy store and lingerie.
18 Plus
Portland, Maine
Rachel works as a textile designer, painter, arts organizer and educator. Rachel has exhibited her artwork throughout New England.
Art & Music
Portland, Maine
R&B and Soul musician. "I've been writing since the discovery of the gift at an early age; it's my tranquility, my love and peace and my desire!"
Art & Music
Portland, Maine
"I would love to marry you! I provide couples with customized ceremonies & vows. Whether we start with something from my collection or write vows from scratch, your wedding is going to be a glorious…
Weddings & Events
Holistic Life Remedies is a sanctuary of peace and tranquility driven by the power of naturopathy and alternative medical treatments. Founded in 2010 by Cynoria L. Reed, it is an integrative wellness center providing a…
Art & Music, Holistic Wellness
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